The topic she'll be addressing, in three separate sessions, is:
Stand Still in the Light: How the Light Can Do Its Work Within Us.In Callie's short bio, it says that Callie is writing about how IYM(C) is a Conservative Meeting, which of course is right up my alley!
In recent years, I've attended several of the annual sessions and midyear meetings of IYMC. While the annual sessions focus on addressing the business of the yearly meeting and allows for concurrent committee sessions--and a bit of fellowship and singing--IYMC's Midyear Meeting brings in a Friend to explore a topic in depth in a workshop or presentation format. I'd say about as many Friends from the yearly meeting come to Midyear Meeting as they do for annual sessions, maybe about 100 or so.
Also, IYMC alternates the speaker each year, with one year bringing in a Friend from within the yearly meeting, like Deborah Fisch in 2005(?); and the next year bringing in a Friend from beyond the yearly meeting, like Paul Buckley in 2006.
I'm already making plans to attend and I hope a few others from my neck of the city and from the worship group will join me, April 12-13, 2008.
I am working on details for attending. Would be great to see you!