July 4, 2010

Chart of intersection between "belongings" and themes from Thomas Gates

NOTE: This chart is more extensive than the one I embedded in the previous post (I had abridged it for easier reading, but oh well). At least one reader reported to me she had trouble viewing the first chart.

Note, too, that many of the terms and phrases in the far left column come directly from Thomas Gates' pamphlet Members One of Another. The notation I used in the previous chart didn't carry over to this one... and neither did any of the links, it turns out.


Love and Belonging:  Consideration of how we as Friends belong to one another, to Quakerism, and to God, regardless of how long we have been among Friends.

Belong to one anotherBelong to QuakerismBelong to God/Love
Welcome & Acceptanceprovide and request care and nurture

be there for one another (crisis of faith; marriage; memorials; clearness; etc.)

be curious about the movement of the Spirit, of Love, in one another's lives

Shared Valuesparticipate in one another's lives, not just knowing about each othercommit to engage in Quaker practices and disciplinesmaintain Love at the center of our life and faith

be active in the life of the Meeting during and between Meetings for Worshipwaiting upon the Light in times of difficulty3

act together and reflect together on Root and fruit of the Testimonies (indiv and corporate levels)
Transformationshare our ministries, leadings, and struggles with one another; be vulnerable with each otherbe willing to seek new Light in difficult times and from difficult people; be willing to wrestle with othersbe willing to grow into our measure of Light

bear witness to the transformation of one anotherprovide mutual accountability and mutual encouragementbe willing to wrestle with God
test our leadings with one anotherEngage in faithfulness and a humble obedience; be willing to yield

"exhort one another daily" to be faithful to how we are called1
Cautionfeeling accepted does not provide an automatic "in" for membership; feeling accepted does not mean individualism and secularism should replace tending to the Root and minding the Lightcan the Meeting allow itself to grow because of a Friend's ministry/new Light?  "what is important is not how far one has traveled, but rather one's commitment to travel this particular path we call Quakerism"2can the Meeting allow its members to grow beyond the confines of the Meeting; can we avoid pressuring one another to conform to the Meeting's "culture"?
Challengeinconvenience ourselves to make time for othersinconvenience ourselves to uphold Quaker practices and to grow as a Meetinginconvenience ourselves to receive God's love, to be broken open, to be obedient to God's call

1.  Epistle XXII, by George Fox.
2.  Members One of Another, by Thomas Gates, p. 36
3.  see Epistle X, by George Fox.

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