Last Friday, February 24, 2006, word reached me that long-time Friend Elizabeth Watson had passed away. Her health had been declining over the past year.
I had been waiting to share this news, in part hoping to have a link to an obituary, but I have not come across one.*
Not finding an obituary is a bit unsettling for me, for I'm sure it would be quite extensive, given her prominence among Friends, her many writings on Quaker universalism and other topics (a search at QuakerBooks of FGC turns up a few titles), her curatorship at Walt Whitman's birthplace (1973-1977), being a long-time ally to the LGBTQ community, etc.
*UPDATE: The Minneapolis Star Tribune printed Elizabeth's obituary after all, but I don't know how long the link will be active. [It's not any longer.]
5 days ago
A great woman and a great loss to the world. When I was very, very new to Quakers, I went, almost accidentally, to a workshop she led at Pendle Hill. There was some confusion about the topic, something about creation spirituality or healing prayer, but it didn't really matter. Her teaching was gentle and inspiring.
Thanks for sharing the news and the sorrow.
I just learned of Elizabeth's death yesterday, and snuffed the masthead at LeavesofGrass.Org.
Although I never met Elizabeth, I am interested in understanding her testimonies on Whitman and Quakerism. The work she began is by no means finished, only beginning.
I share your disappointment over not having access to biographical data and memorials. I've written to Minnesota Monthly Meeting about this, and hope my request is honored.
-- Mitchell Santine Gould
Mitchell, thanks for stopping by...
Will there be an explanation at some point for visitors to to understand why there is a black field at the top of its homepage?
Also, I never got to know Elizabeth, but I imagine that her writings among Friends will give you some glimmer of how she practiced her Quaker faith. I'm glad you thought to be in touch with--and I think you mean--Minneapolis Friends Meeting rather than "Minnesota" Meeting.
No doubt it will take some time to produce a memorial minute, which requires several steps when done in the manner of Friends. And I believe a memorial is planned for the second half of April. I assume the memorial will be in the manner of Friends as well.
Thee wrote:
"Will there be an explanation at some point for visitors to to understand why there is a black field at the top of its homepage?"
Yes, thee is right.
So what I need is Elizabeth's date of birth.
I've written Chuck Fager on the off chance that he may have it or may be easily able to obtain it.
If thee has any correspondents who can help find it, would you please inquire?
Thanks/ciao. -- Mitch
Hello Liz,
I have received a memorial from Elizabeth Grill, and have posted it, with minor changes at:
Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you finally were able to receive what seems like a memorial minute about Elizabeth and post it so quickly.
I am very sorry that it seems just like you had her for such a short amount time and I know how that feels. :(
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